Heine vd Walt bids farewell to the SASES office

Dear All,

I have just returned from the OESO congress which again was a suburb oesophageal congress.

I would like to extend my gratitude to the last Exco I was part of - as well as all the previous Exco's I have dealt with over the years.

I have seen SASES grow since the infant stages and lived through difficult, hard times and also joyful times with SASES in this time period. I think it must be about 18 years that I have been there.

It was my passion, pleasure, and quest to work for SASES and the members of SASES.

I was very sorry not to have been able to make Durban. This was rather an anticlimax to end a period of this length with the likes and quality of you guys.

Through the years it was quite apparent that each Exco formed an identity and all of these had the single objective being to take SASES and its members forward in surgery.

This I can tell you has not gone unnoticed by the members of SASES - as the member count is proof of.

The drive to recruit young surgeons must always be there and we must strive and endeavour to make the society even stronger. This is one society that the industry and medical aids take note of.

I can only wish the next Exco well and trust they will continue the good work - as is already apparent.

I hope to get involved with the training side of things a bit more.

Thanks again guys.

Yours sincerely,


PS: This was my trip on Wednesday and Thursday.