Live Bariatric Workshop
Department of Surgery Sefako Makgatho Health Sciences University/Dr George Mukhari Hospital Faculty Management and Staff: Prof. Zac Koto, Prof. Heine van der Walt, Dr. Anel Lengton Date: Friday 15th February 2019 Time: 7:00am to close of day Venue: S113, 1st floor, Clin path building, SMU campus
SASES AGM Notice 14 September 2018
Enquiries: Susan Parkes Tel: 011-717-2601 Fax: 086-662-4320 Postnet Suite 199, P/Bag X2600 Houghton 2041 Website: NOTICE IS GIVEN FOR THE SASES AGM TO BE HELD ON FRIDAY 14 SEPTEMBER 2018 AT SASES 2018 …
When I became President of the Society I took a decision to attend the first available course at our much spoken about Surgical Skills Lab at the Red Cross Children’s War Memorial Hospital. As you …
Laparoscopic Colorectal Workshop
You are invited to a Workshop with Prof Tim Rockall (MATTU – Guildford) JOHNSON AND JOHNSON SPONSORED COLORECTAL TRAINING in conjunction with STORZ and endorsed by SASES Date: 02 November 2015 Location: Wits Donald …