SASES has been involved in the development of accreditation for bariatric surgeons in South Africa.

There are now 2 possible ways for a surgeon to achieve accreditation for performing bariatric surgery.

The role of the South African Society of Endoscopic Surgery (SASES) and Metabolic Surgery Accreditation

SASES Exco has proposed a role that it is prepared to fulfil as the conduit partner between Medical schemes / funders and our members seeking accreditation for Metabolic Surgery. The new accreditation model under consideration is offered by Proventi. SASES would be accountable, but not legally liable, for communicating individual accredited centre and surgeon outcomes to the funder. Surgeon and centre performance will be assessed annually and the status of the accreditation outcome will be communicated to these parties.


The accreditation process for metabolic surgery in South Africa needs review. There is a growing need for metabolic surgery on account of the significant impact it has on obesity related morbidities as well as widespread endorsement by International Metabolic Societies. Concern has been expressed by local bodies, surgeons (SASES members), the health care industry, international consultants and accreditors that the current model may not conform to commonly accepted clinical governance and outcomes criteria used for accreditation in other countries

There is an increasing need for metabolic surgery programs and there are insufficient accredited surgeons practicing in South Africa, and thus few local proctors. The SASES members are not currently offered any alternate choice in accreditation, as only SASSO is recognized by the funders (medical insurance schemes). There is a need for additional metabolic surgical training as well as training in academic centres.

Proventi Accreditation Process

The International Accreditation for Metabolic procedures offered by Proventi has been reviewed by SASES. It has been found to be of a suitable standard and comparable to the current local accreditation process (SASSO). The Proventi International Accreditation is merit and proficiency based in accordance with the latest international and scientific guidelines.

It is expected that making the Proventi International Accreditation process available to South African surgeons (SASES members) will increase the number of accredited surgeons and centres able to perform metabolic surgery, whilst maintaining high standards of practice. This should make metabolic surgery more widely available and more cost effective.

Roles & responsibilities

SASES will commit to be the conduit partner between funders and/ or other insurance schemes and practicing metabolic surgeons who are SASES members accredited by Proventi

SASES will communicate to the funders and/ or other insurance schemes, which surgeons and centres are:

(a) Currently accredited (on-going)

(b) Re-accredited (annually)

(c) De-accredited (annually, or in extreme cases on-going)

This communication will come from the SASES president, immediate past-president or vice-president. SASES will not be held liable for clinical outcomes of SASES surgeons and centres. Proventi will, aside from the accreditation, conduct the quality assurance on an annual basis and immediately report to SASES, the status of accredited surgeons and centres concerning points a, b, c, as seen above.

In order to ensure strict quality assurance all Proventi Accredited Surgeons & Centres must maintain the Internationally renowned Surgical Review Corporation Database (SRC). SRC provides accreditation, consulting, education, and data for surgeons and facilities to advance the safety and quality of care for their patients

SASES and Proventi are in agreement that Proventi will, through access to individual surgeon and centre databases and interviews conduct patient outcome verification on an annual basis.

Proventi International Accreditation – Handover

It is the intention of all parties that the International Accreditation is eventually handed over to a South African body. This may either be a sub-committee of the College of Surgeons of South Africa or a University based group or a metabolic sub-committee governed by a recognized surgical society in South Africa. It is expected that this memorandum of understanding will require revision to account for such changes in approximately three to five years from the onset of this agreement. Once a new memorandum has been agreed to it replaces this current memorandum.

If you wish to consider one of the accreditation options, we suggest that you discuss the matter with your hospital manager or department head. There are costs involved in respect of facility accreditation, proctorship and travel.

Further information regarding Proventi accreditation may be obtained on the Proventi website
Contact details are provided on the site.

The SASSO website provides information regarding their accreditation process and contact details.