Laparoscopic Colorectal Workshop
You are invited to a Workshop with Prof Tim Rockall (MATTU – Guildford) JOHNSON AND JOHNSON SPONSORED COLORECTAL TRAINING in conjunction with STORZ and endorsed by SASES Date: 02 November 2015 Location: Wits Donald …
Medscheme and SASES appendectomy-funding pilot study has ended
In a joint presentation between Medscheme and the SA Society of Endoscopic Surgeons (SASES) a new plan was revealed to address the challenges associated with funding laparoscopic (keyhole) surgery. The concept and a proposed pilot …
SASES Update: Past, Present and Future
President's Report 23 February 2015 2015 is well and truly on its way as we see out the first quarter of the year. This affords us the opportunity to reflect on the year that has …